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BuilderGen is a tool used for generating builders for Golang structs.


Step 1: Install this package

go install

Install this package start using it

Step 2: Use the package

This is just 1 out of 2 ways to use this package. For the full list of usage visit docs here. Write the go generate comment as shown in the example below.

package examples

import ""

//go:generate buildergen -src=./test.go -name Person

type Person struct {
	ID        int
	Name      string
	Email     *string // Optional field
	PhoneBook []*Contact
	MapVal    map[string]string `json:"map_val"`
	T         nested.Test

type Contact struct {
	Name  string
	Phone string

Step 3: Using the builder

After running the go generate, you can use the builder similar to what is shown below.

var defaultPerson = &Person{
	ID: 1,
	Name: "John",
	Email: nil,

func TestXXX(t *testing.T){
	clonedPerson := NewPersonBuilder(defaultPerson).WithID(12).WithName("Johnny").Build() // ID and Name changes
	// Use clonedPerson