go install github.com/Jh123x/buildergen@latest
Install this package start using it
There are multiple ways to use this package
Write the go generate comment as shown in the example below.
package examples
import "github.com/Jh123x/buildergen/examples/nested"
//go:generate buildergen -src=./test.go -name Person
type Person struct {
ID int
Name string
Email *string // Optional field
PhoneBook []*Contact
MapVal map[string]string `json:"map_val"`
T nested.Test
type Contact struct {
Name string
Phone string
Another way to use BuilderGen using the command line.
buildergen -src=./examples/test.go -name Person
This will generate the same builder as the go:generate
Another way to use BuilderGen is to use a config file
buildergen --config ./path/to/config.yaml
The config file should look something like this
- source: ./internal/cmd/ttypes.go
name: Config
- source: ./internal/cmd/ttypes_test.go
name: testCase
destination: ./internal/cmd/ttypes_builder_test.go
- source: ./examples/benchmark/benchmark.go
name: Data
- source: ./examples/person.go
name: Person
This use case is more suitable for those who wants to build a builder for structs in other libraries but want to store
the mocks directly within the a mocks
After running the go generate, the generated file will look something like this.
// Code generated by BuilderGen
package examples
import (
type PersonBuilder struct {
ID int
Name string
Email *string
PhoneBook []*Contact
MapVal map[string]string `json:"map_val"`
T nested.Test
func NewPersonBuilder(b *Person) *PersonBuilder {
return &PersonBuilder{
ID: b.ID,
Name: b.Name,
Email: b.Email,
PhoneBook: b.PhoneBook,
MapVal: b.MapVal,
T: b.T,
func (b *PersonBuilder) WithID(id int) *PersonBuilder {
b.ID = id
return b
func (b *PersonBuilder) WithName(name string) *PersonBuilder {
b.Name = name
return b
func (b *PersonBuilder) WithEmail(email *string) *PersonBuilder {
b.Email = email
return b
func (b *PersonBuilder) WithPhoneBook(phonebook []*Contact) *PersonBuilder {
b.PhoneBook = phonebook
return b
func (b *PersonBuilder) WithMapVal(mapval map[string]string) *PersonBuilder {
b.MapVal = mapval
return b
func (b *PersonBuilder) WithT(t nested.Test) *PersonBuilder {
b.T = t
return b
func (b *PersonBuilder) Build() *Person {
return &Person{
ID: b.ID,
Name: b.Name,
Email: b.Email,
PhoneBook: b.PhoneBook,
MapVal: b.MapVal,
T: b.T,
Use the builder wherever you need it.
var defaultPerson = &Person{
ID: 1,
Name: "John",
Email: nil,
func TestXXX(t *testing.T){
clonedPerson := NewPersonBuilder(defaultPerson).WithID(12).WithName("Johnny").Build() // ID and Name changes
// Use clonedPerson